The flight was spectacular! Thrilling! The sky was the prettiest color blue I had ever seen. We soared above the few fluffy clouds that were in the sky. Zooming through that beautiful blue skyscape in that trainer jet was easily the coolest thing I had ever done in my life up to that point. Then after a little while, the instructor asked, “Are you ready?” Still mesmerized by the sights around me, I muttered out a “yes” without really thinking about what he was asking.
He then let me take over the controls.
I couldn't believe it...I WAS ACTUALLY FLYING A JET!
When we KNOW better, we DO better.
And that's when we get better RESULTS!
I share my story with you to say, fancy is good, but sometimes we can get the job done without being fancy. I think I would've made a great pilot...with my perfect eyesight (at that time!) and unusual aptitude for math. But I just want to fly straight. And as you’re reading this now, perhaps you share that same sentiment. Maybe at some point you have felt like you’ve been “staggering around in a daze” by previous interactions with attorneys, or by unsuccessful attempts to do it all yourself (whatever “it” is). And you STILL don’t quite understand what you need to do…or why. THAT'S WHERE JBLAW COMES IN!